4 curious Celtic car rules that could catch you out
It’s easy to forget that driving here in the UK is actually relatively easy – research says that we have some of the safest roads in the world. And England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales all share the same overarching rules – driving on the left side of the road for example – so if you’re planning to hire a car or van to cross any borders, thankfully you don’t have to worry about being caught out by any major changes.
Well, actually, with just a few exceptions. The good news is that they’re very niche, but it’s still worth getting up to speed on them. Here are four curious Celtic rules that you may not know!
Government officials can search your car for eggs (Ireland)
It may sound like an old myth, but according to the Marketing of Eggs Act 1957, technically government officials have the right to search your vehicle for eggs. If it seems an oddly specific law, that’s because it is – essentially it was designed to regulate egg sales, ensuring that eggs meet specific quality standards and are properly labelled. In case you’re wondering, Ireland doesn’t have dedicated egg inspectors (as far as we know), and let’s be honest, as a private driver it’s not something you’ll probably generally need to worry about unless you’re carrying a veritable car-load of poultry products in your backseat.
If you’re a professional driving for business on the other hand, you’ll already know about all the laws and standards you’ll need to meet when carrying any kind of foodstuffs. Either way, just be prepared to co-operate with any official requests if you do get stopped, whether you’re driving privately or professionally. In short, it’s best to eggs-pect the uneggs-pected.
Right to roam (Scotland)
Scotland’s Land Reform Act of 2003 introduced the “right to roam” across most land and inland water, which means the public has the legal right to access private land for recreational purposes. It’s wonderful for hikers, cyclists, and nature lovers – Scotland is a famously beautiful country – but it can be a bit of a surprise for drivers in more rural areas.
Essentially, it means you might encounter pedestrians, cyclists, or even horse riders in places you wouldn't expect them, such as along narrow country roads or on rural paths. The law also covers mountains, forests, and even coastal areas, which again encourages outdoor exploration, and again means that walkers or cyclists may pop up where you least expect. Just to add an extra layer of risk, these areas are not always clearly marked, and people using these rights may be walking or cycling along roadsides, sometimes in the middle of the road (in many cases, that may be genuinely the safest option for them).
Now, while it’s generally expected that these outdoor enthusiasts will be respectful of traffic, it’s still worth making sure you’re prepared to slow down or stop to avoid any accidents. Keep your eyes peeled – they can pop up when you least expect them!
The 20mph law (Wales)
You’ve probably heard of this one already – it’s drawn its fair share of praise and criticism alike. Wales has recently introduced a 20mph speed limit in many residential and urban areas – the aim is to reduce accidents, lower pollution, and promote pedestrian-friendly environments. In addition to these key benefits, the new law also encourages walking and cycling, contributing to healthier lifestyles across communities.
Most of the UK is accustomed to speed limits of 30mph or higher in built-up areas, so this change can feel like a dramatic shift if you’re just entering the country – and plenty of drivers have been caught out by it already. One of the best ways to avoid becoming one of them is to ensure you’re staying alert to the new signage as you drive around Wales. If you’re not familiar with the area, it’s a good idea to check ahead for any speed limit changes in the area you plan to visit, especially if you’re travelling in a more rural region where these zones are becoming increasingly widespread.
Otherwise, you could find yourself facing an annoyingly hefty fines – particularly irritating if you feel you’re driving at what would normally be considered a safe speed.
Give way to livestock (Wales, Ireland and Scotland)
So, we’ve covered a couple of laws and customs unique to each Celtic nation – now here’s one they all have in common. In the more rural parts of Wales, Ireland, and Scotland, it’s not unusual to encounter livestock on the road – such as cows, sheep, or even horses.
When you do come across them, you’re legally required to give way to any animals that are crossing or wandering along the road. (It’s a rule that ensures the safety of both livestock and drivers alike.) As you might imagine, it’s a particularly important rule for anyone driving through farm areas where livestock regularly move between fields. And if you're in rural locations during the summer months, when many animals are being moved from one grazing area to another, you’re even more likely to encounter animals on the road, so it’s worth staying sharp!
So, that’s you up to speed on some of the most unusual or important things to expect – and if you’ve ever got any questions about car hire, van hire or Flexi hire, that’s exactly where we can help here at Intack Self Drive. We have more than 50 years of experience to our name, and we offer a wide range of cars, vans or minibuses available to rent for daily hire or flexi-hire.
If you're not sure what you need, no problem - we're always here to help! You can browse the best hire deals right here on our site or give our friendly team a call at 0125457811 and we’ll be happy to help in any way we can.